Monday, January 11, 2010

Callie is 9 months!!!

I can hardly believe that my sweet girl is 9 months old already! It seems like yesterday that I found out that I was FINALLY pregnant! She has been a complete blessing in our lives and I can't imagine life without her. Now that she's here, we realize that the 7 years we waited to have her were totally worth it! Cameron couldn't be more happy about finally having a sibling. He is so good to her and helps out so much! He loves feeding her and playing with her. He can ALWAYS make her giggle :)

So, Callie has been a pretty busy girl. We don't have her stats yet, because her appointment isn't until the end of the month. We see the most popular doctor in our practice and when I made her 9 month appointment 6 months ago, it was the earliest available time. At 7 months she weighed in at 13 lbs. 4 oz. and was 24 3/4 inches long. I can tell she's grown, but don't know how much. It's nice not having to go in every week for a weight check anymore. She's wearing size 3/6 month clothing. I've tried a couple of 6/9 month things, but they are way to big still. She's still in size 1 diapers and size 1 shoes.

Callie is on the verge of crawling...but has been for quite a while. She can crawl a few seconds and then falls on her belly. She rolls, scoots, and maneuvers herself quite nicely anywhere she desires. She's very active and spends most of her time playing with her new toys. She's a huge momma's girl (which is fine by me) and can get pretty clingy at times. But she's also pretty social as long as she's not hungry or tired, so it balances out.

We're still waiting for Callie's first tooth. So far she isn't showing any signs of one popping through any time soon. She's eating VERY well. I have yet to find a food she won't eat. She's still exclusively nursing and eating baby food. She LOVES to feed herself finger food and since she doesn't have any teeth, we go through a LOT of puffs around here :) She has also had some peas, carrots, and crackers and a few bites here and there of biscuits, bagels, and things like that. She does an excellent job of chewing with her gums, so we're going to start introducing more finger foods in the next couple of weeks.

Callie is also very verbal and likes to be heard. She's known to let out a pretty loud squeal every once in a while! She is saying "mama", "dada", "bub-bub"(Cam) "bye-bye" which sounds more like "ba-ba" but she says it while waving, and "puhp" (poop) while I'm changing her diaper...gross, I know! She's clapping her hands, waving (either her tiny hand wave where she just opens and closes her fingers, or the whole arm flap!), pulling herself up on things, and dancing to music (which is just her bopping up and down). When we ask her "How big is Callie?" She'll put her hands up when we say "Sooo Big!"

She is still sleeping very well at night. She will occasionally (maybe once a week or so) wake up in the middle of the night to nurse, but goes right back to sleep. It's been very difficult to get her on a day time schedule even though we're home most days. She just does NOT like to take naps. When she does nap during the day, once I lay her down it's usually over. She's been doing much better and I have also been just letting her cry it out. She won't go back to sleep, but she does calm down and play happily in her bed so I can at least get something done!

I can't believe how fast she's growing up. I will post her stats after her appointment! Hopefully we'll stay away from the weight checks again!

She likes to empty out her toy basket :)

Showing us that she's "Sooo Big!"
Dancing to her music amongst her sea of toys!
Munchin' on some puffs :)
Cheesin' for the camera...

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